Well, it took a lot less time than what I thought...besides the fact that I didn't think it was going to be anything THIS major.
Get this.
So, every night before bed I give Faith a snack (usually something like a Little Debbie cake) to take her meds with. It's easier and more tolerable if it's sprinkled on some food. When I do this routine, I also take the pill bottle out of her school bag andgo ahead and put in her meds for the next morning. So I get in the school bag and fish out the bottle. As I take it out I hear, what I think, is the empty capsules (her meds are capsule pills that are opened and sprinkled over her food). I was stunned to find out that it wasn't empty capsules at all, but the dosage she was supposed to have taken with breakfast....at school.
I don't want to freak out just yet. There was a possibility that Sheri (aunt/babysitter) could have put in the dosage for the next morning. Even though she NEVER did this....maybe, just maybe.
So I call Tim at work. I tell him we have an issue and then go into explanation. He said he would get in touch with his sister and ask. In the meantime I get to thinking...ok, what do I do if it wasn't given. I mean, if it were then heck...things are all good. I've never had a complete dosage skipped before...given late, yes....but skipped? Hell no. So I call the hospital to see if they have Dr Gingold (Faith's neurologist) on page. She said yes. I give her my number and wait for the call. In the meantime, I call Tim from my cell to see if he had heard from Sheri yet. He said that he had to leave her a message and he should hear something from her no later than 10:30. While on the phone with him, Dr Gingold calls the house phone. She tells me instead of giving Faith's regular dosage and the entire dosage missed, to half the missed dosage and give it with Faith's normal dosage for night. Sounds confusing, but I understood what she was saying. So Tim, still being on the phone, overhears all this and says that I should hold off on giving her the additional till we find out for sure that Sheri didn't put the pills in her bag. He's tolerable when he thinks.
15 minutes later he calls back to inform me that Sheri DID NOT put those pills back in her bottle.
Oh yeah....the war begins and we're about to go in with loaded ammunition.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The War Begins
Posted by
Faith Ellen (Mommy)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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